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Are you looking after yourself mentally, physically and emotionally?

Whispa Wellness uses a combination of vinyasa yoga & massage in small classes where you receive personal attention to nurture all three of these aspects every single session. After taking care of yourself, you are then ready to engage more fully with your family, relationships, and life.

Both massage and yoga improve flexibility, posture, breathing and circulation. In combination, they are even more powerful. When you release tension and strengthen your muscles your mind and nervous system become more resilient and relaxed and this can alleviate the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Proper breathing techniques also contribute to mental clarity, focus, and the ability to face everyday challenges.

When your emotions get stuck in your body you feel pain and tension. You may not realise that the tension you hold in your shoulders, neck and upper back after a long day, as well as that stiffness in your hips and lower back is linked to negative emotions and energy blocks that keep you feeling emotionally tired even after a night’s sleep. However, the combination of massage and yoga (in which every posture is designed to release energy from a certain chakra) leads to a feeling of release and well-being.

If you would like to learn more about chakras and yoga click the link below:

Whispa Wellness’s unique classes are intentionally small so that every student gets my personal instruction and some massage. We cater to men and women of all levels of practice who share the goals of increasing flexibility, mindfulness, releasing tension, and improving their practice.

You can learn more about our general and targeted classes here:

Or… Join us Saturday May 12th for a special Mother’s Day Restorative Yoga & Massage Mini Retreat’ where you can experience all of the yumminess that we offer.

Lisa Gatt, founder of Whispa Wellness. Certified Yoga Instructor, licensed remedial massage therapist.

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